Sunday 17 May 2009

Conclusions made

I have come to the conclusion that I do my best work at night. Perhaps not at 2.35am (which is the time now) but certainly my brain starts ticking over a-plenty with ideas at the time when all good little girls and boys should be in bed. The biggest problem is that, due to fibromyalgia, I like to write using a graphics tablet and pen and this requires space. My future husband also requires space in bed and therefore I have to balance the tablet on him while I write. This is trickier than it sounds, especially as he tends to keep moving. Would I be within my rights to kick him out onto the floor?

I have been working on Chapter One of TFRAB today. Looking good for a first draft. And for anyone who thinks I'm a slacker who is only on Chapter One after a long time procrastinating, might I just say that I have already written chapters 4-9. And also :P


Anonymous said...

He knew he was marrying a writer, right? Ergo you are utterly within your rights, I reckon. *nods*


Anonymous said...

btw, hopped here from AW...
